We can offer you a comprehensive training package that will cover areas addressing: Race and Mental Health, Cultural Awareness and Anti Oppressive Practices
The Peer Advocacy Training Programme
This training has been running since 1995 and has provided training on all aspects of the mental health system. The Programme has been attended by people who have used the Mental Health system, either as a service user or in a professional capacity in providing support to people who experience mental ill health. It provides the opportunity for people who use mental health services to understand how the services work and what their rights are in relation to their treatment and care.
It will explain models of advocacy and provide students with the legal, social and health care knowledge to enable them to challenge inequitable practices and participate in their care planning. They will also be able to help, support and signpost other people to appropriate services and give them information.
The programme is equally as beneficial to professionals who work with people that have experienced or are experiencing mental ill health. Previous attendees have come from Social Services, Housing, Citizens Advice, Advocacy, Police and many more professions.
The training is delivered at a high standard by professionals who are experts in their areas of practice.
Did you know?
Black people are 4 times more likely than white people to be detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) and more than 11 times more likely to be given a Community Treatment Order (CTO).
It is now compulsory for all staff that work in mental health care to be competent on issues involving cultural sensitivity.
Courses can be talored to meet individual needs.
For more information please email

Did you know?
Black people are 4 times more likely than white people to be detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) and more than 11 times more likely to be given a Community Treatment Order (CTO).
It is now compulsory for all staff that work in mental health care to be competent on issues involving cultural sensitivity.